Saturday, August 24, 2013


Fall wedding bells...

Good evening everyone,did you all have a good day,  I did, I made cards alllllll day. I made a wide variety too. The 3  that I am going to show you are for special orders from friends.  A couple of the weddings are in the fall so, hence fall leaves are used, which by the way were saved from my son and daughter in laws wedding last fall:)  Recycling!

The first card I used the Cricut Wrap it Up cartridge, papers from my stash, ribbon I won from Creative scrappers, Bo Bunny gems, Atg gun and zig pen.

Second card is from Wrap it up too.  Some of the supplies I got from Kinderstampo's shop, the wood die cut was from Recollections, the stamp and bling come from Close To My Heart. as well as the ink. the flowers  are from my stash, and I used Stickles for the veil.

And the last one Also was made using the  Cricut Wrap It Up cartridge.  I had also found a 6x6 pad of DCWV Burlap paper in the clearance bin, bought it and love it.  I cut a strip to put across the center of the card, and then added some lace from the Really Reasonable Ribbon assortment I just got.. Love their ribbon!!  The paper pad is the Bo Bunny Apple cider collection.
Well I hope you liked the cards I had to share tonight.  Please come back:)

P.S. if there is anything you need from Close To My Heart, I am your girl.  click on the Shop with me and get your copy of the Artbooking collection, remember this month you get the August Stamp of the Month FREE!!!


Thanks for stoppin By,,Happy Crafting~~ Cathy

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I am back , finally

I am finally back!!

I have been gone for a spell, soooo much going on in my life.  Husband has had many hospital stays and we had a death in the family and lots of babysitting of the grandchildren.  But I am here with a simple post and to let you know i miss you all, I maust have missed a lot of great posts.  I regret that, but I will be peeking in again.
I joined creative Swappers on Facebook and i love it, they have such fun swaps. One of the swaps I joined was to create 12 pumkins with sad faces.  Here are mine>

I used the Disney Happily Ever After cartridge to cut the pumpkin at 3 3/4 inches and then I used the art Philosophy cartridge to cut an oval at 3 1/2 inches to put in the front to give him a little dimension.  I inked the edges of the pumkin with TH distress inks..Festive berries and Peacock feathers.  I then used a white gel pen to hilight.  for the eyes I used a small oval punch, for the nose, I used a 1/2 inch circle punch and trimmed off the bottom, to square it off and then used a pop dot to pop it off the page a little and inked it.  For the mouth, I used a Stampin up oval punch and the used a large circle punch to trim the bottom of the oval to give the up side down curve to the mouth.  

I hope the recipients like them:) 
Have a great night, and thanks for stopping by.  cathy

Sunday, August 4, 2013


How would you like to win this adorable Close To My Heart My Acrylix stamp set???

I am having a giveaway on my CTMH FB page..and all you have to do is go to my page and LIKE it and share the post..easy peasy. When I reach 150 Likes on my page, I will randomly pick a winner.

If you would like an extra entry....share this post on my blog and comment here that you did:)

Hope you all have a great Sunday:)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Order you Artbooking Cartridge here !!

Finally the Close To My Heart new Fall and Winter Idea Book nad Catalog is here :)

And with it is the arrival of the new Cricut cartridge exclusive to Clost To My Heart....ARTBOOKING!!

For 99 dollars you get this awesome cartridge that comes with 3 coordinating CTMH Stamp sets...and 3 coordinating sheets of chipboard shapes!!  And If you purchase it during the month of August, you will get the August stamp of the month (a $17.95 set) for absolutely FREE...that's 4 stamp sets in all!!!  How awesome is that??

If you can get a frined or 2 to order along with you and let me submit the order for you, if it is over $150.00 you will be elligible to get $25.00 in free select  Product and if you can get your order total to $250.00, then you are eligible for $0.00 in free product as well as a 50% off a product...which could be the artbooking cartridge!! How cool is that or maybe you would like one of the Hostess bundles at 50% 0ff, such as the one below...
Also, if you are interested in getting a discount on all the fine CTMH products and earning yourself 50% of cartridges and product, as well as getting your hands on new product a month before your customers.. then Join my team now , by clicking on the opportunities tab on my website,  for as little as $49.00 you can get started with the Essentials kit shown below

So what are you waiting for??  get started now!!!

Head to my website here, and have fun shopping!!!

Happy Crafting~~ Cathy