Tuesday, July 29, 2014

New Idea Book !!!!

It 's coming!!! Almost here!!! Are you as excited as I am?

Close To My Heart
Idea Book

250 NEW Products
One of them is the Artfully Sent Cricut cartridge, exclusive through CTMH.  It is a MUST have for the card maker!!

Close To My heart has high quality products and great selection. an d now they have "2"
New Consultant kits. one for car makers and the other is for scrapbookers! this is a GREAT time to join my team, your kit will include  New products, and remember you get a discount of your orders and you get commission on all your sales plus so much more for benefits..Ask me how..I would love to have you on my team, for $99.00 you can get started today!

Thanks for stopping by!
happy Crating

Monday, July 28, 2014

Atlanic Hearts Sketch Challenge #66

Atlantic Hearts
Sketch Challenge

Hello everyone, have you missed me?  I have been on the computer very little latley,  I have had a lot going on in the family, and family comes first.  My husband was not well and we had a death in the family, then it was my turn to be sick. Well any who, I am back.  I hope to start posting more often, I really want to get my Close To My Heart business off the ground, generate more interest... In the meanwhile...this is a challenge week, and I have to tell you I really enjoyed, making this card, it was fairly easy to put together, the sketch is simple and sweet, and I love the colors.  Win win situation..........

I used Artiste cartridge for the flowers, cutting them at 2 1/2", and 2' and 1 1/2 inches. I then curled up each petal to give it some dimention.  I used the Sky Blue paper and ink (which will be retiring at the end of this month, so hurry if you want to get it) from Close To My Heart.

I also used the stamp set "The happy Couple" (D1539)  for the sentiment.  The paper pack is "Ariana" X7179c, which too is retiring July 31st. BUT... Wait til you see all the WONDERFUL stuff in the NEW Close To My Heart Catalog.  Lets just say My cricut is gonna be hummin :)

I hope you like my project for today and I would love for you to take part in this challenge as well as check out the other Design Team ladies and give them some love.  Here is the link.

Thanks for stopping by and plsease come back again

Monday, July 21, 2014

Pssst...Hey you...

Yes you..LOL, now that I have your attention, I wanted to let you know, August 1st, Close To My Heart  is launching a NEW.Idea book and Catalog AAAANNND, a new Cricut Cartridge,

"Artfully Sent"
Soo exciting, I can not wait to get it. I am recruiting right now, it is the perfect time ot JOIN.  You can get a discount on all your crafting supplies as well as get a commision on all you buy and sell.  Plus, if you join now, you will receive your choice of starter kits, one of a cardmaker or one for a scrapbooker.

 they are both fabulous and you could do both with either.  There is going to be 250 new products, I have seen them and trust me you will love them as I do.  
Or if you would like to get your hands on the new products and the Artfully Sent, You can place an order for them strarting August first on my website.
Would you like to get the Artfully sent 50% off??? All you have to do is host an onllline gathering. no cooking or cleaning and getting ready for people to come to your house, I do all the work, set the gathering on line and you just have your friends go shopping on the website and place their orders on your special link.  Get a gathering total of $250 or more and get $40.00 in free product and a 50% off item!!..
email me
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com
or go to my website and get started

July Stamp of the Month

$5.00 with purchase of $50.00 or more :)

thanks Cathy

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Clock is Ticking!!

Close to My Hearts' new catalog/ Idea book
2014-2015, will be going live in a couple weeks...August 1st, and that means the current catalog is going to have Lots of retiring items . so shop while the shopping is good, before what you want is gone.  Also there are some items that will have a slight increase.  Everything is in life is going up it can not be helped, but CTMH has great quality products and that won't change.
Here is the link to my website...
Please feel Free to shop

Friday, July 4, 2014

Spectrum Noir cards

Hello everyone, I colored a couple more digital images the last couple days, and I wanted to share them with you..the first one is from Dearie dolls Free digis and the second one is from Treasured Times Rubber stamps and scrapbooking, a digital image called fairy Kisses by Jehanne Silva-Freimane

thanks for stopping by

stepbloc card tutorial and cards

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

Today I want to share with you a video tutorial I made today sharing with you steps to make a Step Block card, which I came across on dawn Griffiths' youtube.  I thought it was just the cutest card shape and I was playing around with my Close To My papers.
so enjoy the video below, (a short one) and leave me a comment. then check out the cards below and leave some love :)



Thursday, July 3, 2014

Cricut® Artfully Sent

Here is some exciteing news for you!!
Close To My Heart and Cricut have done it again. another great cartridge, with 700 images and fonts and different types of cards. a card makers dream.. I can not wait to get my hands on it.  So save your pennies and be ready for it in August in the new CTMH 2014-2015 idea book.


Radiate Beauty

Sharing some Close to my heart stamping for for this hot and muggy afternoon:)


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

NEW !! Close To My Heart Consultants kits Available now!

Join My team now and get the new Close To My Heart Consultant kits!!
Close To My Heart now has 2 different kits for you to choose from- one for Scrap bookers and the other is for Card makers!!  Love love love the new kits and all the new products coming in the new 2014-2015.  Over 250 NEW product!  I can not wait to beable to sell it to you.
 Kit #1

Kit #2
Card makers

I hope that you will consider joining my team, there is not a better time the present...  Head over to my website..click on the "What we Do" tab and then "Be a Consultant" and you are on your way!!!
You will enjoy a great discount on all your product, plus you earn 22$ on your sales and other fun insentives, you get to try product and preview before your customers , you can join as a hobbyist, or turn it into a part or full time business.  If you are finding you are not really into...no problem, you can drop with no further commitment and the Kit is yous, but if you decide to stay...You will LOVE it and have lots of fun, trust me.
