Saturday, April 9, 2011

Good evening scrappers.  My son came to visit and I now have the start of a Blog...woohoo!!!  We had a Birthday party here today for my granddaughter...she turned 4 years old.  What a fun age.  I made a lot of different cards, inspired by the wonderful crafters I have been blog hopping to for everyone to have and give at the party.  They weren't too shabby I guess.  When I figure out how to upload  pictures...I will share them with you.


  1. Woo hoo for waterfall and pop up cards!! :)

  2. I am proud of my Mom! Not only because she is finally mastering the art of blogging, but because the pop-out, stand-up, and box cards you made are fantastic! You are robbing the online world by not sharing pictures of your creations! Keep up the fantastic work!
