Friday, April 15, 2011

I made some Create a Critter altered picture frames.  They were fun to make.  I am going to bring them to a benefit for my niece who has cancer. I will put them in a chinese auction and see if there is interest.  It  will give me an idea if they are good or not. have a great day scrappers:)


  1. Good luck Cathy. I sincerely hope your niece gets better. I have an award for you on my blog.

  2. Best of luck to you and your family. BTW, what's a chinese auction?

  3. For those who are curious, a Chinese auction is where people donate items for which you put a can in front of all the items and people buy chances to win which ever items they want. Say...5 tickets for a dollar and put the tickets all in one can or spread them out to different items.
