Sunday, April 10, 2011

My grand son Sean


  1. So beautiful! Congratulations... I'm here from the Link Up Hop. Fun to meet so many new people!

  2. Look at those cheeks!!! Luv them!

    Hi Cathy,
    Thank you for your wonderful comment. I'm tickled that you joined my FB Page and Blog, triple hugs for you!
    Remember to refer your FB friends to my page, have them leave a comment that you sent them and you will be entered for the free stamp of the month (March) or a packet of Glubers!!


  3. Isn't he just a handsome little guy! Grandkids are so much more fun that kids, aren't they? LOL Just teasing... well, sort of! Thanks for visiting my blog during the 28 Candles Blog Hop today and for your very sweet comment. I'm here to reciprocate and have become your newest follower. It's getting rather late and I have been hopping all day so my eyes are doing a number on me! I'll be back soon to see some of your handiwork.

