Wednesday, August 3, 2011

gonna be busy

Crazy week, went to Michael's yesterday, love going there, got a little carried away though, spent twice as much as I thought I would, (thank the Lord my hubby loves me ).  Got all kinds of embellishments, some Bazzill paper and some acrylic placques.  So I should be able to get some more cards done.  Might be a few days, my husband is having surgery on his neck today.  He is only post -op 6 weeks from last surgery he had on his back. Had a rod fusion done.  he has M.S. and keeps me busy.  So hope to post soon another card I have made.  Just got to  take some more pics.  Have a great day:)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and following me! I hope your hubby's surgery goes well!!!
