Thursday, September 1, 2011

Halloween wreath

 A couple of days ago I was scrolling down my list of blogs I follow and a Halloween wreath made from paper rosettes caught my eye.  Go to if you want to see her tutorial and make one too, it was fun and easy.  So now that I gave the nice lady credit, here is mine.. I used Cloud9 designs paper I got on clearanc. and some DCWV paper and I used my Paper Doll Dress Up cartridge and some assorted buttons and my trusty glue gun.  The skeleton and the mummy were cut at 4 1/2 and the web was at 5 " the spider at 3" and the frog at 2".  I hope you like it!!


  1. I love your wreathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my place. I need all the encouragement I can get! I'm a first timer!

  2. oh and it seems I like to add extra e's or something hahahahahha I can't spell late at night!

  3. WOW, this is so amazing! I absolutely love it! What a great project...I may have to give this a try!! :)

