Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Been Busy

   I have been busy lately shopping, babysitting, crafting, cleaning, baking and wrapping.  Have not been posting though and I am sorry, I will get back into the swing of things after the holidays when things calm down. I have been doing Christmas cards and mailing them as quick as I make them.  I did however sell quite a few at the last 2 fairs i went to, so after the holidays I will restock.  I packaged them up as gifts as well, hope the receivers like them.
   I have, however, been on a few blog hops at night and u-streams while I try to wind down for the evening, and am so amazed at the talent out there.  I decided I am going to try a little scrapbook layouts and some mini albums after the holidays.  Can not wait to start.
   Since I feel like  I have come to know a lot of you and we are friends, and since I do dot know all your addresses, I wanted to give you all a Christmas card through bloggy land, for Christmas.  I made this card and put an action wobble behind Santa:)   Love those Action Wobbles, makes Santa very happy:)

  Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Be Safe and happy and healthy.  Tomorrow I will not be around, busy day celebrating the holiday with my husbands family and celebrating my birthday, yippee.  I will try not to eat too much.  Thank you all for your inspiration:)

                                                                                             Happy Craftin////Cathy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy:) Thank you for stopping by my blog and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU!!!! I hope you have an amazing day!! Have a woderful Christams and New Year!!!
