Sunday, January 8, 2012

need organizational help:)

I am trying to get a little help on my craft organizing..Consumer Crafts is having a contest where you show pictures and explain why you need a hand and then one person will be selected to get $150.00 in organizational products. So I am going to explain and post a picture.
   My crafting space is really small, and it is not that I am not really organized, it is that what I have needs to be organized better and i know not how.  My husband is wheel chair bound with Primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis.  He spends a great part of his day in bed.  So I choose to scrap and paper craft in the room there with him.  He just went into a hospital bed so there is sooooooo little space.
  Everything I craft with is in the room with me, in a corner, on a small computer desk, so I am constantly shuffleling things around and picking things up off the floor, wiping shoe prints off them,lol, hunting for things, and so on and so on, you get the picture, So if I should win, I need instruction as well on how to organize it so I can craft, have fun, less stress and still share the company of my husband:)  thank you Cathy


  1. I sure hope you win the makeover!! Sounds like a lot of fun if you win. My scrap space always looks crazy so don't feel like you are the only one who needs help being organized!! LOL
    I wanted to stop by and encourage you to enter the challenge at Crafter's Companion USA Challenge Blog this month. Your projects are so gorgeous and now that you have stamps.....just saying...LOL Hugs, Stacy H-W
