Friday, February 24, 2012

My blog has been awarded The Liebster Award!!

   I am thrilled today to announce my blog has been awarded the Liebster award, by Liz from Decade of Scraps at so please go check her out and give her some love for me.
   Thank you Liz from the bottom of my heart for noticing me.  I was thrilled when I logged on and saw your message:)))

     Here is a little Award information:  Liebster is German meaning "Dearest"- the award is a Share the Love  arrangement, given to inspirational bloggers that have less than 200 followers.  I fall into that category and am hoping not to qualify again:)  I love sharing what I do, and blogging and hopping around to see all the great talent and projects to get inspired.
    Below are the requirements of the Award recipients:
1)  Thank the ward presenter on your blog.
2)  Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3)  Copy and Paste the award on your blog.
4)   present the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
5)   Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog

April 8th  2011,I started my blog and it has taken me a while to get followers, because it is all new to me, April 8th, I started crafting too and it has been a long learning, but fun experience.  I am still learning, I feel like a sponge and I want to try and to learn everything, I am so  A work in progress. SSOooooo, without further ado... here are my 5 choices:

1) Kathy over at
2) Brenna over at

3)Lawren over at
4)Cathie over at
5)Kimberly over at
  Thank you again Liz for choosing me, I hope to inspire more people to visit me and that others will go visit the 5 I chose and give them some love
 happy crafting   Cathy

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Cathy., And Thank you, this will be my second time for this award, I am very honored. Luv Ya and Big Hugs, Your a sweetie!!
