Tuesday, June 19, 2012

quick post

Hi, I just have a quick post before I turn in for the day!  I had 2 challengeaIentered this card one at Creating the Crafty Life, and the other at Little Scrap Pieces.This weeks challenges were to use the color purple,  So I used my CTMH papers, Sonoma and embellishment, the acrylic flowers and butterfly fro MB Treasurista, gems from Bo Bunny and stamp and ink from CTMH. which you can purchase from me here>  http://cathyplus5.myctmh.com .  thanks for stopping by, good night:)
Challenges entered:

Creating the Crafty Life

Little Scrap Pieces... here


  1. Very pretty, I love the dimension.

  2. Cathy, this is beautiful!!! Love the colors.The pasely flowers are wonderful. Great easel card.

  3. Hi Cathy thanks so much for joining my challenge I love that paper and your butterfly is Fabulous! Really so pretty! Karen
