Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Good afternoon, my creative friends:)  what a busy week for me and it is only 1/2 over.  been putting a lot of mile on the road, can not wait til the weekend to  rest...oh wait i have a fair to go to Saturday, Maybe Sunday:)))

 I just want to pop in to let you know, if you have not heard already that Close To My Heart is celebrating National Stamping Month in September, they are bringing back our popular double stamp set promotion! You can get the exclusive, new My Acrylix It’s Your Day double stamp set for just $5 when you place a minimum order of $35 in full retail products from August 15 through September 30, 2012. You are sure to love this double set—two D-size sets in one envelope—which includes nearly 50 images that makes it easy to capture the everyday moments in your life. The double set has a retail value of $35.90!  What a deal!! So what are you waiting for?? Message me or go to my website and start shopping:))  I would love your order:0)

Thank you in advance, have a great day...cathy

1 comment:

  1. TFS..

    Hugs Nana
