Monday, November 26, 2012

Rosette Christmas tree

Good afternoon friends, today I wanted to share with you a project I did this morning.  I saw a Rosette Christmas tree yesterday posted on Facebook and checked out others on line and at Archivers.  Loved it, so decided I would  like to try it, I try everything at least

It is a 12 rosette Christmas tree, but I realized as I was putting it together...I accidentally omitted one..oh well, I still like it.  Your basic supplies, is paper score tape or red sticky tape to hold rosettes together as you form them.  I cut pieces of cardboard to put in between each layer, although you probably do not have to if you do not want to.  You can cut your edges with border punch if you like too.  I forgot to, or I would have. You also need a glue gun, but be careful, do not burn yourself 3 times like  I used some Christmas papers from a pile of loose papers I had.

these are the sizes you will need for this tree, or you can tweak to your liking.

Twelve Rosette Layered Christmas Tree

First Layer: 36” x 4.5”
Second Layer: 36” x 4”
Third Layer: 36” x 3.5
Fourth Layer: 24” x 3”
Fifth Layer: 24” x 2I.5”
Sixth Layer: 24” x 2.25”
Seventh Layer: 22” x 1.75
Eighth Layer: 20” x 1.5”
Ninth Layer: 20 x 1.25”
Tenth Layer: 18” x 1”
Eleventh Layer: 15” x ¾”
Twelfth Layer: 12” x ½”

Top Layer 12” x ½” (just stand on end – don’t make a rosette to lay down)

Score each strip at 1/2 inches.  It is easier to score paper first and cut strips after.

I laid the top rosette down like the rest, not sure what I am going to put on the top yet.

Hope you enjoyed my post, please come back!!!

Happy crafting.......Cathy


  1. This is gorgeous, Cathy!! I love the look and the papers you used!! Thank you for including the measurements for each layer...I want to give this a try!! Have a great week :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Very cute idea for a tree Cathy.

    On another note, you were one of our winners in our Tag Swap Blog Hop. Please send me your mailing information at



  3. Wow, this is so pretty, Cathy! What gorgeous papers you have used to create your lovely tree!

    You seem to be quite lucky these days! I just read the comment above and I'm here to tell you that you are the winner on my blog TOO! Please email me at smallbitsofpaper @ [remove spaces] to claim your prize. Congratulations!!

    Small Bits of Paper
