Saturday, November 24, 2012

What I've been doing and a hop notice

hello my crafting friends,  I am back, I been real busy the last couple weeks, with A bunch of doctor appointments, babysitting, and making crafts for some local fairs, I really have neglected my blog.  but I am back.  I certainly have missed posting.  First thing I want to tell you about is a blog hop I am going to be in.

It is the All About me Blog Hop.  And as the title implies, it is going to have projects that will hilight each of us, and let you get to know a little bit more about us,  It is going to be fun, and from what I have seen so far, some real nice projects you won't want to miss.  So mark your calendar!!!   November 27th!!

Next I just want to show you a little of what I have been working on....
Gift boxes made with the ARTISTE cartridge...

Gift bags made from ARTISTE cartridge...

Tags with Santa's magical keys..Opens doors where the doors are locked and there is no chimney:)

 Here is one up close and below there are more..

So this is just a few of the things I have been working on for fairs.  this coming weekend is the last one I am doing.  I will be working on other Holiday projects after that.

Reminder to you, I am a Close To My Heart consultant, and would love to hook you up with the Artiste cartridge.  Just go to the top on my page and click the shop with me button and you are on your way to crafters heaven!!

Happy crafting.......Hugs, Cathy


  1. All of you projects are fabulous, Cathy!! They look gorgeous!! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Yes I did Lisa, hope yours was grand as well, thanks for your kind words.

  2. Super fabulous tags! I really need to get started on making some. Thanks for the motivation!


    1. Thanks Susie for your kind words, have fun with your tags,
