Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Hen's Den referral giveaway!

Give away Tuesday at The Hens Den

Today's Challengeis for us to 
Refer 5 friends!!  thats it
they are going to give 2 lucky people a Chic Album for referring friends to The Hens Den
I would love to WIN and you would love to check them out!!  Soooooooo.  
Here is what I  must do to be eligible-  (oh and you to.lol)
Refer 5 new friends to The Hens' Den Facebook page and they must "like" them on FB and leave them a comment that I sent them.  Then they come here to the blog and leave them a comment there as well that they liked us on FB and that I sent them. Easy as pie!!
On Wednesday morning, they will randomly draw a name from the referring person list and then a name from your list of friends and both you and your friend will win a Chic Album.  It is that easy!  
So what are you waiting for?? got tell them I sent you!!

Thanks  Cathy

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