Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

 Happy Easter!!

Happy EASTER to all my blogger friends!!  I have missed you, did you miss me?? I gave up blogging for Lent and I must say it was a sacrifice, cause i did miss it.  I hope you are all having a wonderful day today.  I am having my children over for ham dinners...a baked ham dinner for one family at lunch and a boiled dinner for the rest for supper.

I have not been crafting as much lately, because one of my sons, his wife and 2 children have been moving back in with us, so it has been hectic.  Times are tough for alot of the children today, sad to say.  My son is an EMT per diem working towards being a paramedic and his wife is a Medical assistant, working per diem. So they are trying.

well I am sure you are all busy today, I hope to have a post up this week when things calm down..

Happy Crafting!!!   Cathy


  1. Happy Easter my friend. Yes you have been MISSED. Hurry back to us.

    Hugs Nana

  2. That must have been a big sacrifice to give up blogging - I don't think I could have done it!! I give up salt every year and it is the hardest 40 days for me!! You have been missed!! I hope you and your family are having a very happy Easter :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Happy you are back. Can't wait to see what you create.

