Sunday, April 14, 2013

flowers for you:)

 Three Dimensional flower tutorial

here is the recipe for the beautiful flowers, I cut them from the Art Philosophy Cartridge available through Close To My Heart, which you can get by going to my

the daisy I used is on page 28 and the center is on page 69, the picky flower.  I cut the daisy as follows... 3 @ 2 3/4 inches,  3 @ 2  1/2 inches and 3 @ 2. inches.  for the center I cut the picky flower @ 2 1/2 inches, rolled it and used liquid glass to hold it closed.  I used a paper piercer to bend each of the petals, you can also use a tooth pick, and then I glued each layer of flowers together largest to smallest, staggering them to fill in the gaps..  have fun making them, WARNING...they are

Just sharing some more flowers I put together today, hope you had a great Sunday!



  1. Very nice flowers! I love them a lot)))

  2. Awesome flowers, how did you mae them? Hugs!!!

  3. You're such a tease! I was sent here by Amie Kiger, hoping for a tutorial. They are Bea.u.ti.ful!

  4. Thanks Cathy!! I will def be trying these!!

  5. Thanks for the info Cathy ! I have been inspired! {} Mindy
