Monday, October 14, 2013

Sweet Minions

Sweet Minions

Recently I sat down to craft and I thought I would try to make some little Minion covered Hershey I pulled out some yellow, white black and blue paper.  I also figured I would need some punches. So I took out what I had for circle punches.  For the 2 eyed minions...6x6" yellow cardstock. brown cardstock for the glasses. for the 2 lenses..I used the Artiste cartridge and cut out the Letter "o" lower case at one inch..2 of them, the white of the eye I used a 1/2 inch circle punch, and a regular punch for the black of his eyes.
 for the Single lens guy, I used brown cardstock, and the 1 3/4" circle punch..punched a circle, then took a pencil to mark the center... and then took a 1 1/2 inch circle punch took 1 and 3/4 circle, lined up the pencil dot to the center and punched, so I would end up with a brown ring..If you know of an easier way, please let me know:)  For the white of the eye, a 1 1/4 in circle punch. black of the eye, 1/2 circle.  

For the pants, I found some light blue CS, cut it at 1 and 3/4 inches by 6 inches on some and 1 and 1/4  by 6 inches on others.  I then free hand cut some strips of the blue for staps and a pocket.  I then did faux stitching and hilighting and added tiny buttons. For the hair strips of black  and drem him a smile.

To finish them off I made some pumpkins with my circle and oval punches.  I inked them with Tim Holts Red barn and free hand cut stems.

Oh...and do not forget the CHOCOLATE!!
Hope you like them and if you are unsure of any of the directions..message me.


  1. These are so creative!! I love the minions!! You did a fabulous job with them!! What a fun project!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts
