Monday, January 27, 2014

2014 design team!! /Blog hop

Hello to all my friends out there in Blogger land, I have some exciting news to share with you,  I recently appied to be on the Cuttin and Stampin 2014 Design team, annnnnnd  I made it:)  I am so tickled. I have not been on a team in a while and it should be fun.. there is a great group of girls , some I know and some I look forward to getting to know.
I guess there was originally 10 girls on the team and now there is 20, which is divided into 2 shown below...

Here are the wonderful members of our two new 2014 Design Teams.   
GREEN TEAM                                                ORANGE TEAM

Teresa Russell                                               Kim Ross
Debbie Owen                                                Lynda Lindley
Vickie Yeakley                                               Cathy Derouche
Lisa Lahiff                                                     JoAnn Valderama
Doris Tee                                                      Melissa DeMonic Dorosh
Jenni Shamblin                                              Mandee Gillen (Madge)
Jamie Shaw-Tardif                                          Michelle Kinder
Janet Royer                                                   Courtney Shorr
Michelle Kosciolek                                          Karen Nofziger

 Cuttin and Stampin  will introduce the new teams to you with a blog hop.  Our GREEN Team will be featured on January 31st and our ORANGE Team will be featured on February 1st.  

There will be blog candy for both days.  So mark the days on your calendar so you can say hello to the new teams.  

Thanks for stopping by and Happy crafting..Cathy 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Cathy!! I'm so excited for you!! I'll be back for the blog hop!! Have a great evening :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts
