Tuesday, January 28, 2014

3 cards to share

Hello everyone!! I can not believe it, I had time today to make 3 cards..
welllll, to be honest, I cheated.  I went through all my scraps and extra cuts I had on hand from previous card classes, so it did not take as long as it usually would.(hehehe)
The first card I made using the new Close to My heart paper, Lollydoodle.  I just love it!!!, but I also came across some papers from the CTMH Dotty for you, and as you can see, they coordinate nicely.  CTMH papers and inks work so good together.  You do not have to go out and buy tons and tons of different ink colors everytime a new catty comes out. isn;t that awesome.  You can spend your money on the awesome paper packs and Workshops.  The stamp set used was,  CTMH's "It's your day"

The second card I made with scraps as well.  The stamp set is CTMH's "You are my happy"  The above card and below each have the gorgeous Teal Shimmer trim from CTMH.  Love love love it!!  Coming out in February.

Card #3 was some scraps from a previous card class, Papers from DCWV.

I am looking for a few sweet ladies to join my team..wouldn't you like to get your supplies @ 22% off and make that on your customer sales???  The kit below is $99.  Message me if you are interested and have questions, or head to my website HERE and sign up!! 

Thanks for stopping by, come back again!!

1 comment:

  1. These are all gorgeous!! I love the designs!! You did a fabulous job on all of them!! Have a great evening :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts
