Sunday, February 23, 2014

302?? WHAT!!! Giveaway time!!!


wow!! that kind of creeped up on  Time sure flies.  Seems like I just was trying to figure out what a blog was and how to set it up.. how to blog hop.. how to post and schedule...and so on and so on.  Loving the journey. Well today i noticed I surpassed 300.  For me that is a big mile stone.  Although i do not literally have 302 followers commenting on my posts regularly, I know that at least 302 people took the time to stop by and give me a little bloggy love and the thing I LOVE MOST is the friends I have made here have branched out to best friends i have never met on Facebook <3
with all that said I think it is time for Cathyplus5 to do a giveaway!!! so be watching, I will be gathering some goodies up and will post the picture and requirements to win on ready to share!!!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on 302 my friend!! I just realized yesterday that my three year blogaversary is coming up in a couple of weeks. I can't believe I've been doing this for three years!! Where does time go??!! Have a great week :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts
