Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Giveaway time!!

300 Follower Celebration Giveaway!!

Well I can not believe it...over 300 followers!! Time has flown by so quickly,seems like I just started blogging.

It has been a wonderful journey..met lots and lots of wonderful ladies and a couple gents here in blog land. Lots of blog hops and inspiration that is for sure.  So it is not much, but I gathered a few things together and I would love to make some one's day with a few extra goodies.   All you have to do is share the giveaway in some way and let me know that you did..and of course be a follower. that is is..Easy Peasy.
Thanks for being a friend <3

Giveaway deadline is March 15th winner anoounced on the 16th


  1. Congrats my friend and what an awesome giveaway!! I have posted it on my sidebar and shared on FB!! Thanks for a chance to win :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations!!!!!! WhooHoo!! What a wonderful wonderful giveaway! Thanks for all that you have shared. I have learned a lot! I have posted this on my facebook.

  4. Wow what a cool giveaway. Im a follower.

  5. wow congrats on your over 300 followers. that is an awesome giveaway!

  6. One day I hope to be able to give out a big prize to my followers !
