Saturday, June 28, 2014

took a shot at starbursts

Good evening everyone,  I have seen all kinds of starburst cards on Pinterest, facebook and while cruising the blogs and was a little intimidated by them, but finally watched a tutorial or 2 and decided to give it a try, and I love so easy.  I got my daughter in law making them and she is addicted.  I also showed her a tutorial on the herringbone card and she whipped one right out, going to try that next.   Hope you are all having a great evening and weekend,  take a peek and please leave a little bloggy love , thanks

Reminder...CTMH June stamp of the month is almost gone!!

1 comment:

  1. They are all gorgeous!! Your starburst technique looks amazing!! These are fabulous!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts
