Saturday, September 6, 2014

Holiday Planners

Happy Saturday everyone,  Did anyone do anything crafty today?
I did, I decided to try a couple Holiday planners I saw on Pinterest.  I just love Pinterest, you can find soooo many different things to do with paper!!! Well check out the adorable Holiday p;anner I made with the Close To My Heart paper pack.....You can purchase here

View one of the planner, I used a magnet for the closure, but the tutorial I followed had a brad,and silver elastic band to hold it closed

View 2..the planner opened up, you have 4 pockest with each having a different list and there is also a pen holder and calendar of December on the end.
The lists include
1-Stocking stuffer list
2- Oct, Nov, December to do list
3-cards to send list
4-Christmas Gift Lists

View 3..A better view of the pen and back flap.

Here is another planner I put together
Front view...

Back view...
pocket for receipts

Inside view...

phew, that is it for pictures.
Now I will share a link to the tutorial I found for the top planner, she did a real good tutorial

Have a great day..Happy Crafting


  1. Cathy I love these, thanks for sharing with us!!

  2. Wow, these are so fabulous!! What a great idea!! Love the papers and details!! Have a great weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts
