Friday, October 24, 2014

Winter Joy

Thank Goodness it is Friday, been a real busy wekk getting ready for my craft fair. Last night I colored some snowmen stamps I got last year from Unity stamp company called Winter joy,  I did not do traditional red and green, but I like how they came out...what do you think???

I used spectrum noir markers and the ribbons are from the FReally REASONABLE RIBBON COMPANY

have a great weekend. Cathy


  1. Oh wow, Cathy, these are all fabulous!! I love the snowman and how you colored him on every tag!! They look so beautiful!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Fabulous creations
    By the way Cathy looks like you won the Lizzy Love blog hop ....
    Check out The Sailing Pineapple blog ...
    I am just emailing you because the winner was announced late and I wasn't sure you would check back.
