Monday, March 16, 2015


Good morning everyone!! As I promised, I am going to do not one, but 2 giveaways!!!  One for my anniversay being a Close To My Heart Independant consultant....March 28th makes 3 years, and the second for my blogiversary which is April 11th making 4 years!! WOOHOO.  What a journey. I love having a blog, even though I do not get a lot of comments, it is a place to share what I love, and I also LOVE being a Close to My heart consultant, meeting sooo many new friends and making money to buy more supplies while I do it!! WIN WIN!
One giveaway is some Close to My Heart products and the second is assorted goodies from my stash.

So how do you enter you might ask???  Easy..
1.  follow my blog, and let me know that you entry
2.  comment on what you would like to see in the future on my entry
3. spread the word about the giveaway. and let me know that you entry
4. place an order on my online gathering...5 entries

that is it!!!  the giveaway will run from now till the 28th, my CTMH anniversary and I will have the winners picked:)  Easy Peasy.  thanks for following and sharing the love.



  1. Congrats on both anniversaries!! You are so sweet to offer a giveaway!! I still need to get one together for my 4 years!! I would just love to see more of your amazing creations!! I love everything that you make!! Congrats again!! Have a great evening :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. i would like to see more tecniques explained :)

  3. Congrats on your anniversaries! I've been a follower for a while!

  4. I love all your projects...keep them coming! Can't think of anything specific I would like to see.

  5. Posted about your blog and giveaways on my facebook page.

  6. Thank you for the reminder about your giveaways!

  7. I've been following your wonderful blog for about three months.

  8. I would enjoy seeing a lot more of your creative work. Cards and layouts plus any techniques you'd like to share. Especially how to use any of the CTMH Cricut cartridges.

  9. I'm a follower for a while. So sorry about your hubby. I've been reading on Facebook. Hugs and prayers.

  10. I've been a follower for a long time now! Thanks for the giveaways and I sincerely hope your husband gets well soon!

  11. Could you possibly take one of the older stamp sets and showcase how you can make some kiss cards for a gift?

  12. I've spread the love on my blog!

  13. I would like to see lots sample projects.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  14. I follow you with bloglovin.
    isoscia at aol dot com
