Friday, May 27, 2016

KBD Sailor Seahorses

Hello crafty Friends, and happy Spring to you all.  It is a lovely day out my window and I am thinking about sunshiny days I used to have at the beach and vacations in the past at the ocean.. I miss them.  Unfortunately those days are over for me and so I must reminisce.  In doing so I thought I would use KaDoodle Bug Designs newer file... Sailor Seahorses

I think this is just an adorable file..don't you??

I decided to go through my box of scraps (It is getting big) and put together a "Congratulations" card in Easel is a 6x6 card....

One of my favorite colors from Close to My Heart  is Lagoon.  Purple and lagoon look good together don't you think?   If you think this file is as cute as I do..head to Melissa's shop and take a look around, she adds great files often!!
Thanks for looking..
KaDoodle Bug Designs
DT member


  1. So absolutely adorable!! The seahorse is so sweet!! Love this!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Such pretty colors and super cute seahorse!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting with Creative M
