Saturday, July 16, 2016

Want to get more out of your Large CTMH Organizer!???

Here it is Friday again..hoping for a nice relaxing crafty weekend... I also wanted to share the link of the products going SOON...check it out. see what is leaving to make room for lots of wonderful new products in the upcoming new Annual catalog...…

Also I want to share how I made room for lots more stamp sets in my Large CTMH Organizer...I am really limited on crafty space and this is working out GREAT for me..and maybe for you...
picture one is my large organizer with 60 0r more stamp sets..I wanted to share with you what I had to do to conserve space... But I want to continue to get CTMH stamp sets..I have 2 large organizers as well a couple of the small ones that fit the stamp sets. The large organizers holds up to 40 stamp sets and as you know, at times they can be a little difficult to put in or pull out because of the snaps.. well I solved that and I personally love what I did, cause now I have 65 sets in the large organizer with room for more and they come in and out without a htch now!! It takes a while to do but for worth it  You  remove the papers from your envelope as well as the sheet you use to stamp on.. I set aside and saved a dozen of them to be used for workshops. So all that will be in your envelope is your stamp set....each stamp set has the item number on it . Then I took some precision scissors,(I have a few pairs so did not care if ruined one, but have not ruined so far!!!) and I cut both white snaps off..... and then I trimmed the envelope so you can tuck the flap in. Picture one is the large organizer...
Picture 2 is me showing you how I barely apply pressure to pull back to make room for more stamp sets
picture three is how the envelope looks like with snaps gone and how I cut the envelope to make it useable with a flap
picture 4 is the flap closed

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