Saturday, September 2, 2017

Product Spotlight: Craft with PanPastels

Welcome and Happy Saturday!!  I am stopping by today to share a product spotlight of the Pan Pastels which are on sale at an awesome price.   At Fun Stampers Journey for the month of September, they are having a mixed media sale.  And as a new Coach there I am super excited to share this with you...
So what did you think???

Pan Pastels add beauty and a touch softness like chalk without that creepy crawly feeling chalk on your hands gives you..  Below is a quick video highlighting fun things to do with the Pan Pastels..


So...what did you think??  Wouldn't you like to give these techniques a try??  Well now is the perfect time.  Here is the link to my website..a good friend..LInda O' Leary is hosting a party so take a look around and if you decide like I did, to try these pan pastels..hop on to her party at check out :)

thanks for taking a look

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